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EVENT Digital Discipleship - Teens Tech and Social Media
Posted: 10-04-24
Research says that youth are spending 8.5 hours a day engaged with screens, a trend contributing to anxiety, stress, depression, suicide and risky behaviors. Guest speaker Dr. Walt Mueller will offer faith-based insights about the decline in spiritual, relational and emotional health along with strategies to help kids manage their devices rather than allowing devices to manage them. Free lunch, snacks, and child care provided, but please register using the QR code by Oct. 25. Location: Church of the Atonement, 10613 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, 20902. Invite friends!
Very Active Start of the Year for Legislation
Posted: 02-02-24
Check out our legislation page to see all the recent bills this year for local and national. Also a newsletter is in the works to highlight them as well!
We Have A New Cling Decal To Share
Posted: 01-17-24
Porn can be clicked. Love can't. Get Help
Email us if you would like one.