Become a Member

Become a member of MCAP and join in the fight against pornography on the local front!

Membership Benefits

  • Speakers, free of charge (Washington D.C. area only) - Invite MCAP to speak at your place of worship, club, school, etc. Call 301-567-2108, or email your request to
  • Resource materials...books, pamphlets, videos, clinical studies
  • Literature and referrals for counseling for those struggling with pornography/sex addiction
  • Current news about anti-pornography/child porn legislation, law enforcement efforts, grass roots activities, and help for protecting children on the Internet, through the quarterly newsletter, "Making a Difference"

Membership Cost

  • $15 annually

How to Join

Please print out this membership registration page, complete the membership form below, and mail it with your $15 annual membership dues to:

P.O. Box 2868
Silver Spring, MD   20915-2868

Membership Form

Name: ____________________________________________________
Street: ____________________________________________________
City: _______________________________
State: _________________
Zip: ___________________
Tel: ___________________
Email: __________________________________

Note: The information you submit above remains confidential to MCAP. MCAP will not distribute your name or contact information to anyone else.


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